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Sea Level.......Thunk, THUNK!!!!!!!

The view from the rear cockpit after we passed over the piling............duh!

Our last cruising day to Mobile includes the last lock, Coffeeville Dam, a return to tidal flows, saltwater and a return to civilization! As we near the skyline of Mobile we see a wealth of wildlife in the huge wetland that forms Mobile Bay. We also encounter a busy port and shipyard traffic.

But there's still one more surprise waiting to keep us on our toes. Out of nowhere in what was supposed to be relatively safe water (in front of the friggin' mariners museum downtown!) we hit a piling just peeking above the waves! It makes a terrible sound as we bounce over it several times. Luckily we get the motors in neutral immediately and pray as the length of the boat clears the obstruction. We don't appear to have sustained any prop/shaft damage, no vibrations and the engine room doesn't appear to be taking on any water. We start up again, now even more spooked and head to our marina for the night. Another tense moment, what a way to end this segment of the journey, almost 900 miles with two dogs, a cat, a parrot and many new friends along the way.

An end to the Rivers Segment of the Loop!

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