Passing thru Palatka on a sunday we decide to tie up at the City Docks and stretch our legs to see the town, maybe find a sunday paper and find BEER! By it's own promotion, Palatka is a sleepy little town known for motels that stay empty unless a hurricane is coming. We find out that East Palatka (on the other side of the river) is outside the city limits proper and has "convenience" stores that sell cold beverages on sunday. East Palatka is also where we had planned to enjoy a seafood lunch at Corky Bells, so after a quick tour of the historic district we motor over to the dock at the restaurant to get supplies and enjoy the sunshine on the patio dock.
Feeling the momentum now of getting close to our winter home marina, we decide to cruise a little longer into the afternoon and get within a day or so of Jacksonville. Our anchoring guides point us to Solano Cove on the river. Tucked in out of the building afternoon winds, we enjoy our last anchorage out.

Ignorance breeds crime. Knowledge is Power.

Corky Bells restaurant has a nice big friendly dock. Good thing too because it's located in a sharp bend of the river called Devils Elbow, known for strong currents.

Oops, waited too long to take a photo of the seafood buffet!

Many of the docks, both public and private, in Palatka were damaged by Hurricane Matthew. Slow to drain/recede and continued high water levels and now aggravated by the Super Moon is slowing recovery and repair efforts.