We've settled back into our life in the floating trailer park. The weather has continued to be pleasant with sunny 70 degree days and balmy breezes. Watching the winter slowly move southward, we're savoring this last bit of the warmth and being outdoors. Our list of winter and repair projects includes rebuilding the rest of the upper helm seating/storage area, engine room maintenance and winterizing, continued detective work on the various leaks and squeaks left from Hurricane Matthew, etc. etc (hey it's a boat!). On top of the planned work our potable water pump went out this week and had to be replaced (thankfully it was still under warranty).
Life at the dock can also be a somewhat of a reality show blend of Tiny House and Cannery Row (I think I play Doc and drink the beer milkshakes), but it's all good and we continue to enjoy the lifestyle while we can.

The "before" the demolition process of replacing the upper helm seating.

Some of the "during" work.

Hey, how do I get this darn thing out/off the boat?

Ahhhhh, room to work!

OK, now we're "Under Construction"!

Hey, there's a pump under the galley floor? Who woulda thunk it?

Getn' cozy with our dock mates.