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Chesapeake Bay

Leaving the Potomac, we return to the waters of Chesapeake Bay. Our passage north includes a mix of marinas and anchorages as we make our way up to the C & D (Chesapeake & Delaware) Canal, the connecting waterway to get us to Delaware Bay and then down and around New Jersey to New York.

Marina/towns include: Solomons Island, Rock Hall (where we visit Spray Cat, a boat Happy Happy wintered with in Jacksonville) and Bohemia Bay Yacht Harbour (where the local harbor hosts and AGLCA icon (and a Bayliner owner!) keep their boat. Anchorages included: Phillips Creek/Little Choptank, Shaw Bay/Wye River (where we were almost boarded by pirates!) and the Sassafras River. Along the way we gorge and savor what we think will be the last of Maryland seafood/crab!

Our earlier experience and time on the Potomac have made us more aware of how these large bodies of water can be whipped up with steady winds and so have been making more conscious efforts have a place to tuck in if weather conditions are not favorable and to make time when seas are good.

We realize we’re not alone as we “see” Loopers ahead of us having extended stays at major staging points at the top of Delaware Bay, Cape May and along the New Jersey coast waiting for acceptable weather conditions to make their next open water transit in the Atlantic.

Our marina stop in the Solomon's was at Bunkys where the dockhand almost filled our tanks with diesel (we're a gas boat!)!!

An interesting use of panties for navigation aids.

Reprovisioning in the Solomons.

James Island

Our anchorage on the Little Choptank River.

Happy Happy's reunion with old pal Spray Cat, our Jacksonville wintering buddies, at her summer home in Rock Hall.

This gives a new meaning to butt crack!

Docktails with fellow loopers and the local AGLCA Harbor Host!

Our last marina on the Chesapeake with new friends (and official marina greeters) Carol and Mike of "The Big G".

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