These Canadians take border security very seriously! And we're glad they do!
Our last stop in the US is at Rouses Point, NY. Perched on the border, you can see Canada from the marina. Can you see any difference between the water or land? No. At some point you’re just in one or the other. Not long after our “crossing” though we can clearly see (and it’s very much noted on our charts) that YOU MUST STOP AND CLEAR INTERNATIONAL/CANADIAN CUSTOMS & IMMIGRATION.
Of course as a part of preparing for leaving our country, we have also had to make sure we have the proper documentation for returning back through US Customs & Immigration. For our US return we know we need to be boarded/searched for contraband, weapons, plants & vegetables, etc.
From the many posts on the Looper Forum, we are prepared with all our documentation: federal documentation & state registrations for the boat, proof of insurance, marine radiotelephone permits and licenses, passports for us and rabies certifications for Jude and Tricks and most importantly our Ships’ Stores log!
Ships Stores is a special provision that governs how much alcohol and tobacco you can transport on board from out of the country. Ships Stores vessels include: cruise liners, ocean going towing or salvage tugs, foreign warships, telegraph cable ships, fishing ships, Canadian military vessels, aircraft and foreign yachts.
Under “normal” conditions a foreigner coming into Canada would be allowed to bring in something like a couple bottles of liquor/wine a few 6 packs of beer and a couple cartons of cigarettes before very stiff import tariffs kick in. Our special status as a documented “foreign yacht”, “allows” us to carry something like a couple cases of liquor/wine and get this, 46 six packs of beer!!!
Of course we are not carrying our allowable limit…………….
We cleared Canadian Customs and Immigration in 12 minutes on the 4th of July. Pat did offer up the Pepper Spray in her purse, which is considered a weapon.
Welcome to Canada!

No big beautiful wall on this border.

Understanding french is starting to be important.

Converting litres to gallons and Canadian to US dollars is important too!