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Plutonic Intrusions!!!!

One of the things that happens when you’re cruising on a boat is nothing. When you’re screaming along at 9 miles an hour for 6 hours, the scenery just doesn’t change that fast. When I was being tutored by the boat whisperer on a yacht delivery before we started our loop adventure we went “down” the Tennessee River in his tugboat at a raging 6 mph. I laughed until it happened when he told me butterflies would pass us. Coming back “up” with a 40,000 lb, 65 ft, triple cabin, Hatteras motoryacht strapped to our side we were lucky to make 3 mph. You get a lot of time to think about things………

On our transit of the Richelieu River it took a couple days of “focused” observations to notice an odd quirk about the topography. Beautiful, flat as a pancake pastoral landscapes, with rich agricultural fields as far as the eye could see…… except for these isolated humps of land.

After some very intense research using the latest tools available including der Google and dah Wikipedia, we proudly present this annotated, concise and little known, worthwhile geological insight. For our friends in Georgia, this also explains the famed Stone Mountain and its lesser cousins, Mt Arabia and the even lesser noticed rocky outcrops on Interstate 20 on the way to Augusta (but that's another story).

Long long ago, before the Beatles and am radio the world was covered in water and all the boaters were happy (Happy)!

Due mostly to poor recycling practices, debris were discarded into the oceans. The Greeks, known for their toga parties and penchant for obscure nicknames named the layers for later use in their ritual incoming freshman drinking/memory tests.

Over time the layers built up on the seabed which prompted the formation of the Corps of Engineers, who were tasked with studying the issue to determine how to create a tax revenue structure under the guise of maintenance and dredging to keep shoaling under control.

Unbeknownst to the Corps the volcano gods were squirting magma from deep within the core of the planet in an effort to reach the surface and achieve world domination.

The Magma to the Surface and Beyond (MSB) program continues to get full funding because of successful lobbyists efforts.

Continued lack of recycling and realization by the volcano gods that there was nothing on the surface worth getting to resulted in the oceans going away and support for the MSB program being abandoned. Magma cools and hardens, volcano gods escape via other outlets and fly to Mars.

Poor enforcement of erosion and sediment control regulations resulted in the now composted debris washing away exposing the magma domes.

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