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Ottawa and the Parliament

Yes he's inspecting/looking into the barrel of a rifle..........

Ottawa, Canada's provincial capital. A rich and storied place, full of European tradition, so traditional and quaint but also so familiar and rich in historical significance. We thought we were only passing through after a recent, very full but exhausting explore of "french" Montreal, but we ended up extending our stay to soak up Ottawa.

We watched the "changing of the guard", toured Parliament and sampled the free market, beaver tails (that's another story), a cheese and butcher shop "to die for" and generally got more impressed with Canada's own personality.

The defining moment happened while we were waiting for our tour to begin on "the lawn" in front of Parliament, the equivalent of "the Mall" in Washington DC, where you generally find Americans gathering in huge numbers to protest at the Capital, but on this day, we watched as a thousand or so Canadians lined up and...........are you ready for this.................did yoga together, in front of the Parliament buildings!!!

Our arrival in the capitol involves locking through the famous 8 step locks (a 4 hr carefully orchestrated task) right next to the historic Parliament Buildings to get safely around Rideau Falls.

The Parliament lawn is a "groovy" happenin' place to do yoga!

"How much wood......"

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