Going down on the second of two hydraulic lift locks (in the world) on the Trent Severn, Kirkfield Lock #36 (of 45) is on the Trent Canal.
The highest point on the Trent Severn is Balsam Lake. From there the remaining 9/45 locks take you down to Georgian Bay. This segment of the cruise includes the only other operating lift lock at Kirkfield, a tenuous passage thru the narrow Trent Canal, a crossing of Lake Simcoe and the Big Chute Marine Railway (Warning: This post is all about going thru locks and swing bridges. After the Chambly, Richelieu, St Lawrence, Ottawa, Rideau and now finally the Trent Severn, we approach the final lock #45 to Georgian Bay after some 2 plus months of travel and more than "100 lock thru's". This has been a big part of our daily lives since we entered Canada on the 4th of July and we are ready to celebrate (and close) this milestone).
As we travel west the Canadian Shield rock formations line the shores and start to make the topography more pronounced. Cottage and lakeside development continue to be more intense too as this is pretty country and everyone wants to be here to enjoy it. Still there is plenty to go around.

A classic lake speedboat.

Not sure the safety dept would be pleased to see this (the gates are moving/opening!).

The Trent Canal is cut out of rock and a tight space to navigate. It's generally suggested that you make a "Securite" call on your marine radio to avoid meeting boaters coming from the other side, but it seems many boaters don't have radios or have them ON.

The close cut rock walls are unforgiving if you stray off the main channel.

The approach to the Kirkfield lift lock is remote and kinda surprises you when you get tied up and are looking down over the edge!

Looking back and up at the "bathtubs".

A very creative boat ramp.

Happy Happy tied on the lock wall of Bolsover #37 after a day of locking thru.
Our crossing of Lake Simcoe was glassy smooth.

Going down!

Our last anchorage on the Trent Severn at Burrows Bay.

We've stopped counting bridge openings.........................

Showtime! Happy Happy waiting on the Blue line for her turn on the Big Chute marine railway!

15 tons of Happy Happy riding the rails of the Big Chute!

No photos of our last lock #47 at Port Severn because we were so preoccupied with the narrow exit channel and swift currents at the 400 bridge crossing.

The crew of Happy Happy, happy at the Double Happiness Restaurant in Midland after the last lock in Canada!!