Our last port of call in the US before we cross into Canada is another “return to” experience at Detour Village, MI (pop. 325). Detour Village is a marina, grocery store, gas station and 2 churches and 2 burger joints. Quiet on a Sunday and unassuming just the way we like it. We also seem to finally be getting out of the midge bloom and the weather is balmy warm with a light breeze.
As a part of last round of preparations to make sure our paperwork, boat documentation and stores aboard meet the requirements for entering Canada (and more importantly returning to the US) I called the US Border Protection office in Saulte Sainte Marie to follow up on a new smartphone app, “CBP ROAM”, which could eliminate the need for us to appear in person at the current US Customs and Immigration entry point at Drummond Island. When I ask the customs agent whether CBP ROAM is available for us to use, he says he is unaware of the “app”. When I tell him that it’s something we saw on the official US Customs website his response is, “since you’re the expert on this, you tell me!” ;( ………………………..
We cast off for our last anchorage in the States at Harbor Island National Wildlife Refuge.
I still love this country! ;)

The Detour Passage lighthouse was a welcome sign

Did I tell you I'm a big fan of all boats?

At 4 feet tall sandhill cranes are big ole birds!

These cranes frequently give a loud, trumpeting call that suggests a rolled "r" in the throat, and they can be heard from a long distance. Mated pairs of cranes engage in "unison calling". The cranes stand close together, calling in a synchronized and complex duet. The female makes two calls for every one from the male..............................go figure.