After refueling and provisioning in Britt we turned back west and began the return trip through Georgian Bay. With small craft warnings issued and winds forecast to gust to 40kts from the south we decide to anchor in the Bustard Islands. The main 2 anchorages are natural rock channels that run east and west and the majority of the island group is to the south of the anchorages so "we think" this will be our best shelter from the storm option....................
We set our anchor and give the motors a good tug in reverse to get dug in and lay out all of our 60 ft of chain and another 40 ft of line and settle in for the evening. A dramatic, but eerily silent, cloud to cloud lighting storm sets in about 1:30 and then the winds start howling thru the channel. At one point we were swinging within 10-20 ft of the nearby rock channel wall, but our anchor held tight and the storm passed by 3:00am.
We spent the better part of the week enjoying exploring the maze of channels in the islands.

The biggest canoe I've ever seen racing to get in safe from the storm.

After the storm, all is good......
