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Red, Right, Returning

Channel markers come in red and green ("nuns" and "cans") and the standard convention for their placement in rivers is most easily remembered by the phrase, "red (markers), (on the) right (side of the channel), (when you're) returning (going upstream)". Our final miles and days this season have us returning to the place we started this whole journey some 4 years ago and seeing parts of the Tennessee River again brings back lot's of fond memories. The weather is starting to cool and with long days on the water we soak up the last bits of this cruising season on the way home for the winter.

Ditto Landing Marina in Huntsville, our last stop on the way home.

Painted Bluff on the way to Guntersville Lock.

Guntersville Lock. Could you get more any more boat in it?

Jim, Terry and Happy Happy tucked in to her winter berth after a long and memorable voyage!

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