10/7/2018 9:19 PM
After 4 years, numerous side trips and hundreds of docktails, Happy Happy crossed her wake somewhere in Pickwick Lake.
Thanks to Kim for her tireless commitment and endless enthusiasm in keeping our Looper family connected everyday.
Thanks to all the Harbor Hosts that helped to keep us moving along the way. Special thanks to Herb, Kitty, the Creech’s, Foster, the Hospodar’s, John & Juliet, Bruce & Buffi, Nancy and Carey and Mike O’Malley.
Thanks to all the water sages that helped us understand the local conditions to keep us safe: Eddy (and Linda!) for an off season Gulf crossing, Capt Gene, Hank Whitley, Tim Konkus, Jeremy Fowler and Fern & Deb.
Thanks to Roy Eaton, Graham & Coleen and all the Canadian cruisers that helped make our 2 seasons in the North Channel and Georgian Bay memorable.
Thanks to Jim Healy and his website, Bob423 and the Bayliner Owners Club.
And above all, thanks to my Admiral, love of my life, lifelong companion and tireless supporter for letting me live this dream.
To the Loop and Loopers!
Now it’s time to build a hot rod........73!
Terry, Pat and "Critter" Moy's HMS Happy Happy - 3888 Bayliner http://happyhappyloopers.wixsite.com/happy-happy

Somewhere on the other side of Pickwick Lock in Pickwick Lake is where the journey officially began (but won't end)!

10/11/2018 9:21 PM Congratulations to "HAPPY HAPPY" and crew on finishing this endeavour. Fly your gold burgee proudly. One of your side trips provided us with the confidence to travel the St. John after meeting you at Ortega Landing in 2017.
Rodney & Barbara Price SummerTime, the Mainship
10/11/2018 2:31 PM And Waldhose reminisces all the time about his adventure with all the loopers that helped him return home after his teenage runaway at Jekyll Island. Ava Gardenhose and Waldhose finally connected and have had a gurgling good time all summer. He had adjusted to his surroundings on the new Gypsies Palace and had a ball in the Bahamas earlier in the year. Congratulations on Crossing your wake... you will be missed on the loop.
Steve & Debbie Russell Gypsies Palace Endeavour 48 Trawler Cat 2017 Gold Looper
10/10/2018 9:16 PM Congratulations to the new Gold Loopers Happy Happy Critters and crew :) We really enjoyed meeting you both and the critters in Ortega landing. We will miss having you as a dock neighbor at Ortega. Thank you for sharing all your adventures and all the information about the trip on the St. Johns river. Also thank you for all the information about Canada. I guess the squirrel did not get on your boat in the diversion channel like it did on ours :) We really enjoyed catching up with you in Racine. You really booked down the river system after Chicago. Wishing you a Happy Happy Life after the loop.
Captain Gene of Galene.
10/10/2018 7:37 AM Terry and Pat congrats on completing the loop! I think it was at the Atlantic Yacht Basin where I completed my solemn portion of handing off Walhose to you as it made its way back to Gypsys Palace . Hoping we get to all see he before and after on the car restoration and enjoyed meeting you both.
Derek and Lori Gamradt Mainship 400 M/V Donna Mae AGLCA# 13283 MTOA# 5673
10/9/2018 3:24 PM We enjoyed the company of Happy Happy in the AYB. They were the proud carriers of Waldhose at that time. Wish you the best and enjoy the GOLD.
Chuck and Sue Somewhere in Time 10/9/2018 6:52 AM We are "Happy Happy" you crossed your wake. Congratulations on your adventure. We had so much fun with you, Pat and Critter when we travelled with you in the Georgian Bay and it was great seeing you again in Port St Joe while you were vacationing. Hope we can get together again in the future.
Ken, Linda, and Roofus mv Independence
10/8/2018 8:47 AM Congratulations! We enjoyed meeting you in the winds at Dowry Creek.
John and Ann Marie Tyrell Hydrophilic
10/8/2018 5:57 AM Holy Mackerel ! WOW CONGRATULATIONS. You did it. I honestly was scratching my head about you. We met in Michigan, Dog River and Ft Pierce. Believe your'e in my Guest Log On ALLEZ! Well Done. BRAVO ZULU! Now go for the Platium
Bob & Helen Lying Hartge Yacht Harbor Galesville MD Chief Engineer Bob Kovach (KJ4UGE) Onboard M/Y ALLEZ! GOLD LOOPER 5-2-2016 MTOA2631, USCG-CWOA, WRCC, AGLCA-1979, USPS CHARLESTON, S.C.