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On Again, Off Again, Again!

Having made our last trips back with "stuff" now, we're within a day or so, weather and tides permitting, of casting off, this time if as plans happen, for 6 months! Our "crew" has changed slightly from this time last year as Duke and Frieda (RIP) have moved on to that bigger trawler in doggie heaven. Tricks, the ever salty sea cat, and Basel, our 26 year old Senegal parrot will continue to add to their almost 2000 miles of experience with us, while Jude, the newest ensign has readily adapted to his role as Happy Happy's happiest puppy!

We've spent the last week busily packing/hiding the stuff we've decided we need to have with us for the next 6 months in every nook and cranny of Happy Happy's well thought out holds. A number of our dockmates, who are also Loopers and will be on their way soon too have commented that our boat now has extra bridge clearance due to how low we are sitting in the water (haha, you're laughing now, but wait until you need a reciprocating saw or another quart of ATF hydraulic fluid!).

Our plans are to head up the remaining Florida coast into Georgia and take a trip down memory lane, revisiting the many hidey holes we learned from the 7 years we kept our prior boat in Darien, GA and explored the Atlantic coast from Cumberland Island north. It will take some time to relearn the patience to navigate the always changing bottom and the unique 6-10 ft tides in this area, but the undeveloped barrier islands of Georgia are a special place for us.

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